May 19, 2024

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Its Time To Be Unplugged

What Is Love? - Part 1

I hope you all are in the best of your spirits and in bliss. This is probably the most difficult question to answer. Why don’t we find our own definition of love and let it be expressed through us? Let’s start this churning together.


How is it possible to talk about love without talking about pain? They are two sides of a coin. The first thing we lock and block is our heart chakra when we are struck by pain. The pain of betrayal, abandonment, rejection, humiliation, and so on and so forth. If you are currently dealing with any sort of pain, continue reading this otherwise you can skip to the second part of this blog `Mirroring`. There are majorly two ways of how we deal with pain in the mainstream – either dwelling on it by being sad or more so depressed, or, by pushing it away and telling ourselves, there is no point feeling it. If we desire to experience love, we need to unlock our heart chakra first and foremost and we can do it by embracing the pain.
One simple technique I can share here is meditating on your heart chakra (it’s in the center of your chest) – by sitting in a comfortable position, closing your eyes and bringing all the attention to your heart chakra. We can use this very famous audio below. Going for 20m of sitting is a good start. Gradually you can increase the time.
If you did this meditation with me now, please share in the comments how you felt after the meditation. When I go for 30m to 1hr sitting of this, I end up feeling light, I am able to connect again with beauty and love around me and inside me. This is one good leap from apathy to willingness.

Mirror Exercise

We just tried healing the pain we were suffering from because something happened in outer reality. But what if there is a way that we can put a full stop to the occurrence of such events in life? Magically, there is a way to end these sufferings forever and this can happen if we learn our lessons. I am not talking here about mainstream lessons like “I must work hard“, “I must not lie“, “I should fulfill my commitment“, “I shouldn’t be scared“, or “I must learn to compromise“. I am here referring to the soul lessons of forgiveness, acceptance, compassion, integrity, cooperation, and surrender.
This beautiful arrangement by Divine where all the relationships we have around us act as mirrors and the triggers given by them is Divine’s indication for our soul to learn these lessons. These relationships are exactly showing us what we need to reflect upon to understand our patterns and once these patterns come into awareness 90% of the work is done. I would share some examples in order to help you co-relate the trigger and the lesson:
  1. If you are experiencing abandonment, you may need to learn accepting loneliness.
  2. If you are experiencing being manipulated, betrayed, or cheated, you may need to learn to forgive a cheater or accept your foolishness
  3. If you are experiencing rejections, you may need to learn compassion toward self
  4. If you are experiencing you are not capable enough, you may need to learn how to stand in integrity by honoring your voice.
Let’s dive deeper into a scenario of abuse or humiliation. This one scenario can have many hidden lessons like
  1. Accept that other people do project their beliefs onto you and thus forgive the person abusing you without reacting to him/her.
  2. Accepting the flaws in self and asking for forgiveness in return
  3. Being compassionate towards the other person by knowing that he/she is hurt and that’s why behaving in this manner
  4. Being brutally authentic, honoring your voice and actions irrespective of consequences, and taking 100% responsibility
  5. Co-creating a harmonious environment through communication and inspired action.
  6. Knowing when something is beyond your control and choosing to surrender to the Divine and being grateful to Him for taking you under his Love and Light
You can find “mere wala pink” by asking 3 simple questions from yourself and journaling in detail about them.

  1. When in past this has happened to you?
  2. When in past you have done this to another?
  3. When in past have you done it to yourself?
Bringing these memories in awareness will help you identify your patterns and as I said before, 90% of the job is done once you identify your patterns. This awareness itself will bring so many realizations to surface and will inspire actions of asking for an apology or being grateful to someone for tolerating your flaws and setting yourself and them free from an unending list of expectations. First and foremost, it will bring unconditional self-acceptance and self-love. So if we choose to heal ourselves and identify our patterns, instead of reacting to the mirrors, our reality will start to shift as Divine no longer need to make us experience these triggers as we have learned our lessons.
By now, we have healed our pain, identified our patterns, took inspired actions to bring harmony – as a result what are we experiencing? Yes, you are right, we have experienced Love in its purest form, non-polluted by ownership, possession, and obsession. Here are a few definitions of love I choose to live by and I hope you will be able to relate to these as well.
  1. Love is a choice to heal the self for the self by the self, every single time.
  2. Love is setting free yourself and the people you love
  3. Love is listening from eyes and seeing from ears. When a person is shouting at you, if you listen to that person with your eyes, you will know how much pain they are hiding behind their anger and when someone is avoiding you, if you see that person from your ears, you will know how much love they are hiding behind their silence.
This is my most authentic expression of love, given my current level of consciousness. If it resonates with you, helped you unlock your heart chakra, and experience love in its purest form, do leave a comment below and share your experience with me.
Before I wind up, I want to send my gratitude to the Divine, my Gurus – Shri Prabhat Aggarwal Ji, Yogi Param Jnana Ji, and Yogi Ritu Om Ji and to my parents for their love, nourishment, and unending support. A special thanks to my brother for pushing me on this journey. A lot of gratitude to all those souls who triggered me at the right time and showed me the mirror. Lastly, I wouldn’t have been where I am right now, none of this was possible, I would have never had enough drive to walk through this if you were not with me and for me. Thank you so much for your unending love and support in ways even you don’t know. What kept me going is the freshness of the love I experienced with you every time I leveled up. Love you Kanaya always and forever!!!