May 19, 2024

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Its Time To Be Unplugged

Timeless Love - Ch1 - Longing for Home

One Sunday morning, while cooking breakfast for her family, Isha was lost in her thoughts, planning the rest of her day. Suddenly, she was struck by a voice, her own voice echoing in her mind, saying, “I want to go home.” “Wow! What was that?” she exclaimed to herself.

Confused and intrigued, she sneaked a look at her family from a corner of the kitchen. Watching the life she had built for herself around her daughter and husband, she muttered to herself, “I have everything a woman can ask for: a supportive and appreciative husband, an amazing daughter, a top-notch career, a home built with love and passion, loved ones, respect in society, and all amenities at my disposal. But still, there is this sense of emptiness I can’t shake off.” She began to question the reasons behind this longing, despite having a seemingly perfect life.

As she started rolling back through her memories, her eyes saddened, and she realized how distant she was from Kamath, her husband. They hardly talked or shared anything. Being a working mom of such a young child, she always had something on her plate, and Kamath was always occupied with his job. Whatever time they had, they loved spending it with their daughter—watching her grow, walk, and dance with all her toddler moves. But as she walked down memory lane, she found that it wasn’t just the birth of her daughter that brought this gap between them. Perhaps it was because their marriage had no spark.

As she reflected on her expectations of romance, influenced by Bollywood movies, Isha realized the disparity between her fantasies and the reality of her relationship. Adjusting and holding onto the marriage were the basic conditionings with which a woman in India is brought up. She walked the same path as all the women in her ancestry had. Even though she stood by Kamath through thick and thin, the emotional gap between them loomed so large that she sometimes felt like an outsider in her own home and family. “I just don’t feel at home, as part of this family…” she reciprocated to herself.

Throughout the day, Isha’s mind continued to wander back to those echoing words, prompting her to reach out to her mother, her only friend. Unaware of the voice in her head, she sought solace in their conversations. Isha was entangled in a web of connections and obligations, chasing her ambitions, oblivious to her true self. She chased her fake desires relentlessly and ran away from her fears, bursting in anger when inflicted with pain.
However, the voice persisted, signaling a deeper yearning within her, a call-out to the universe from her soul. Unbeknownst to Isha, she stood on the cusp of a profound journey, a turning point in her life. An imminent cyclone of transformation approached, propelled by the soul’s relentless call for authenticity. This tsunami threatened to upend everything that was untrue to Isha’s being, exposing her shadows and fears to the light. In this chaos, she would be offered an opportunity to rekindle her relationship with herself, to explore love beyond her wildest dreams and expectations.

Are you all ready for a roller-coaster ride? If yes, I will see you all in the next Chapter – “I better stop now.” But before you go, please share if you have ever experienced a calling in your life and where it led you. Did that calling stir something in you as it did for Isha today? What did that calling bring for you? I will take my leave now with this beautiful melody, and I hope to see my spiritual-love readers next time. May divine light and love empower you. Thank you for your love and support.